Jet’s Pizza


Jet's Pizza is opening up for business and they're tring to figure out an easy way to calculate the price of a pizza. Pizzas can have any combination of the following toppings (at least one topping is required per pizza): tomatoes (+$1.50), onions (+$1.25), pineapple (+$3.50), mushrooms (+$3.75), and avocado (+$0.40). The base price of a pizza is $15 but if the total ends up being over $20, a 5% discount is applied (with the final price rounded to the nearest cent). Your job is to create a program (Python 3.8) that takes in a user's topping preference and return the pizza's price.

Sample Input 1:TPMSample Output 1:22.56Explanation 1:The toppings of tomatoes (T), pineapple (P), and mushrooms (M) add $8.75 to the base price of $15. Because this is over $20, a 5% discount is applied.

Sample Input 2:AAAAAAAMMTGTMMMXMMTSample Output 2:19.62Explanation 2:Though some toppings are repeated and in a random order, they still only count once. Avocadoes, mushrooms, and tomatoes add $5.65 to the base price of $15. Because this is over $20, a 5% discount is applied. The characters that do not correspond to valid toppings (G and X) are ignored.


  • the seven inputs will be passed in (through stdin) separated by newlines; make sure your output (returned on stdout) is also separated by newlines
  • format your outputs as standard dollar amounts (rounded to the nearest cent with trailing zeroes as necessary) without the dollar sign
  • Every input will consist of at least one valid topping.


def main():
    topings_prices = {"T": 1.5, "O": 1.25, "P": 3.5, "M": 3.75, "A": 0.4}
    totals_list = []

    for order_id in range(7):

        total = 15.0

        topings = input()

        topings_selected = []

        for toping in topings:
            if toping not in topings_selected and toping in topings_prices.keys():
                total += topings_prices[toping]

        if total > 20.0:
            total = total * 0.95

        total = '{:,.2f}'.format(round(total, 2))


    for total in totals_list:
